Monday, July 23, 2007

Trippin' Americas

Trippin’ – Americas 1

22 July 2007

Bull beats cowboy

A small yet sturdy bull charged up to the horse knocking the cowboy of his horse. In his fall the big guy got entangled in his lasso and looked like a wrapped ham. The time clocked was 3.45 seconds. ‘A fast one ladies and gentlemen.’ We need to see which heister or bull can beat this time.

As my mind started whirling reality around it was a thought of mine. The stampede in Calgary calls itself the biggest outdoor festival in the world and it is big. Cattle cutting (not slicing them up, but isolating one cow from a herd by horse), live concerts, massive firework at night, a show which represents the history of Calgary, the signing of the treaty with the Seven Nations. The first nations play a big role in the festival and have dance competitions, demonstrations of their lives and music. I like the bull riding a lot although I was cheering for the bulls mostly. It is amazing to see the cowboys be shaken by bulls and wild horses. Surprised they do not end as milkshakes at the end of each ride.

Huge horses, beautiful pigs and sheep are on display. Traditionally this festival was to display cattle, display skills of cowboy-ism and serious match making.

For those wondering where I am: I hopped on a plane to visit my friends Frank and Laura who moved back to Canada, Alberta, Calgary about 3 years ago and looking at the people and the environment there it was a great move. Rocky Mountains are a stone throw away and the nature is stunningly beautiful. Near there house are two streams the Bow and Elbow rivers and in either you can raft, wander along or bike. A very sport minded city with all the facilities for it.

Frank’s parents were over from the Netherlands as well and it was good to see them after some years. For Frank’s birthday we organized a barbeque for about 40 people. Volleyball and some jeu de boule related game in the back garden. Good fun meeting lots of different people. What makes Canada special in my eyes are the people. It is amazing to see people from all corners from the world come together and form a nation. It gives it a welcoming feel and a very eclectic one.

As I am just back from Chad my priority is to take it easy. Go slow, eat well and meet friends and family. On my one trip out of the city to the Elbow falls we managed to see Bambi and her mom. They were even willing to pose for some video shoot. Other victims were a pair of gophers and a herd of bizons. They are mighty and impressive animals. The gophers that is!

Canada will see me return. There is snowboarding, trekking, bear spotting and lazing around to be done yet. As I left Calgary for Ottawa for my connecting flight to New York it felt the 5 days were just the first of a many more to be spent in the land of maple syrup and huge cars. A reversed culture shock in a way as I felt I was in a sort of advertisement with all the huge cars roaming around the roads.

More from New York tomorrow.



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